Global Entrepreneurship Week is celebrated worldwide with tens of thousands of events, activities and competitions each November that inspire millions to explore their potential as an entrepreneur while fostering connections and increasing collaboration within their ecosystems. Powered by the Kauffman Foundation, Global Entrepreneurship Week has expanded to 170+ nations since its launch in 2008.

KCSourceLink, a program of the UMKC Innovation Center, is working with the KC community to organize multiple GEW-related events Nov. 18-24 in and around the Kansas City metro, and is committed to a positive, harassment-free experience for all participants. Our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies can be found at


Here are the University of Missouri-Kansas City guidelines on reporting incidents that are harmful to members of the community:

Local law enforcement: 816-234-5510 (non-emergency number, dial 911 in an emergency)

Local sexual assault hotline: MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault), 816-531-0233